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Scott Spence

Building Session Analytics with SvelteKit and Turso DB

7 min read

Okedokey, so, I’ve been playing around with Turso DB and SvelteKit and I decided to see if I could record analytics for a project and use Turso to store the data. This was a bit of exploratory work, which I found really interesting as it’s something that I’ve always left to a third party service like Fathom Analytics. By the way I still love Fathom and won’t be moving away from it for my main site.

This post details my journey of understanding and implementing a session analytics system in a SvelteKit application, utilizing Turso DB for data storage and management.

Turso, pretty nifty init?

If you haven’t heard of Turso is an edge database that helps reduce query latency for applications where queries come from various global locations. This means that data is stored geographically close to the code that accesses it, reducing latency meaning faster browsing. It uses libSQL, an open-source and open-contribution fork of SQLite.

Their CLI is awesome and all you need to get set up!

I’m a Linux user so I installed it with the following command:

curl -sSfL | bash

There’s other platforms supported on the docs page:

Once I’m logged into the CLI turso auth login I can create a database:

turso db create my-analytics-experiment

From here I can shell into the database and start creating tables, more on that in a bit!

Things to note if you’re setting up to start using it locally, you’ll need to set up a couple of environment variables for the TURSO_DB_URL and the TURSO_DB_AUTH_TOKEN.

You can get the TURSO_DB_URL from the CLI with the following command:

turso db show my-analytics-experiment

Then to get the auth token you can run:

turso db tokens create my-analytics-experiment

This isn’t going to be a tutorial, more of a high level overview of what I did to get things working.

Want to check the sauce? Here’s the repo:

Feel free to help improve it as well! This was thrown together over the weekend and I’m sure there’s a lot of room for improvement!

Analytics, stuff

So, this is something I had little knowledge of before starting this I mean, I know about analytics, but what needed to be recorded was a bit of an eye opener.

My thinking was that I could use the SvelteKit hooks file (hooks.server.ts) to record the data I needed. I didn’t know I could get the referrer and user agent from the hooks event banging! 😅

The thing is I couldn’t just bang all that data into one table and call it a day, well, with the amount of time I’v spent putting together the proof of concept I should have! 😂

Privacy yo!

If you’ve met me in person you’ll know I’m a bit of a privacy advocate. So, the last thing I want to be doing is collecting data that could be used to create a profile of a user. I’m not interested in that, I just want to know how many people are visiting my site and what pages they are looking at.

The first thing I needed to do was was record visitors data in a way that wouldn’t allow me to identify them.

So, let’s get started with what I did…


I created a user_session table to record the following schema:

  user_session (
    ip_address TEXT NOT NULL,
    session_end TIMESTAMP,
    user_agent TEXT,
    referrer TEXT,
    session_duration INTEGER,
    page_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0

This data is intended to be ephemeral, so I’m not storing it for longer than 24 hours. This is where the other tables come in.

There’s a calculate_metrics function that runs a clean up query to remove any sessions that have ended or are older than 24 hours.

DELETE FROM user_session
  (session_end IS NOT NULL AND session_end < datetime('now', '-1 hour')) OR
  (session_end IS NULL AND session_start < datetime('now', '-24 hours'));

Aight, there’s three more tables, page_analytics, page_visits and session_geolocation, this is where the session data get farmed off to.

The page_analytics is to record the date of the visit, the slug of the page, how many page views, visits and unique visits. Then some fields to have the average session duration and bounce rate calculated.

Here’s the schema:

  page_analytics (
    slug TEXT NOT NULL,
    pageviews INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
    visits INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
    uniques INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
    avg_duration REAL,
    bounce_rate REAL,

The calculation of the average session duration and bounce rate is done in a calculate_metrics function, which isn’t perfect, far from it!

page_visits is essentially the firehose for the visitors coming into the site, it records the session id, the slug of the page visited and the timestamp of the visit. This data is used to calculate the page_analytics data.

  page_visits (
    session_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    slug TEXT NOT NULL,

The session_geolocation is probably the most creepy one as it records the visitor city, region, country, location.

This information is linked to a session id, so it’s not possible to identify a user, but it’s still a bit creepy.

  session_geolocation (
    session_id INTEGER,
    city TEXT,
    region TEXT,
    country TEXT,
    location TEXT,
    timezone TEXT

The data for this table is from using the API, you can get a free API key with limited requests from

Session handling

So, I hinted at this at the beginning of the post, the way I want to keep track of what pages are being visited are via the hooks.server.ts file. In hooks.server.ts, I implemented logic to handle user sessions which would:

  • Check for existing sessions.
  • Update session data or create a new session.
  • Log page visits.
  • Create a session cookie.

what’s the session cookie for? Well, this is so I can effectively detect when a user session has ended. This means that I can update the session_end field in the user_session table and delete the session data sooner than the 24 hour period.

This is done via a neat little function called sendBeacon which allows you to send data to a server without waiting for a response.

I picked this up from Paulie’s post on Neon and Astro:

Tracking Page Visits

This is where all the heavy lifting happened with the update_page_visit function. This could be optimised a lot, but it works.

Essentially, selecting from the page_analytics table to see if the page has been visited before, it then updates the page_analytics table if not it’ll insert a new row.

Periodic metrics calculation

Currently the calculate_metrics function is called every time a page is visited, this is not ideal but I didn’t want to set up a cron job to run this every hour or so. This is also where the session clean up is happening.

This is where there’s loads of queries to calculate the metrics for bounce rate and average session duration.

This of course could be better implemented, but it’s a proof of concept dammit! 😂


This project demonstrates the intricacies of implementing a session-based analytics system in a SvelteKit application, highlighting the importance of efficient data management and the utility of Turso DB.

Next steps

Currently this project is hosted on Vercel, I’d like to move it to and use the node adapter for SvelteKit so that I can have a local Turso DB instance running. If you’re not aware Vercel are immutable deployments, so you can’t run a local database instance.

I think with a local it will speed things up considerably, if you check out the demo now you’ll notice some (like six seconds 😅) latency. There’s a post from Jamie on the Turso blog detailing this, here:


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