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Scott Spence

Handling Multi-Select Form Data

5 min read

How to get the array of selected values from a multi-select form input?

This is a short post detailing my stupidity and how I overcame it. So, here’s the sitch! I was starting again with the project I started over 4 years ago but never finished.

Tl;Dr: go to the Conclusion for the solution.

I wanted to have a nice way for users to submit a dev and technologies via a form. I was using a multi select input to submit data to a form action on the server.

The set-up

This is a simplified version of the form and I’ve hard-coded the values for the sake of brevity. Here’s the form in SvelteKit:

<script lang="ts">
  let name = 'Scott'
  let selected_country = 'gb'
  let selected_technologies: never[] = []
  let countries = [
    { value: 'gb', name: 'United Kingdom' },
    { value: 'us', name: 'United States' },
    { value: 'ca', name: 'Canada' },
    { value: 'fr', name: 'France' },
  let technologies = [
    { value: 'html', name: 'HTML' },
    { value: 'css', name: 'CSS' },
    { value: 'js', name: 'JavaScript' },
    { value: 'svelte', name: 'Svelte' },
    { value: 'react', name: 'React' },
    { value: 'vue', name: 'Vue' },
    { value: 'angular', name: 'Angular' },

<form method="POST" action="?/using_object_from_entries">
  <label for="name">Name:</label>
  <input type="text" name="name" bind:value={name} required />

  <label for="country">Country:</label>
  <select name="country" bind:value={selected_country} required>
    <option disabled value="">Select a country</option>
    {#each countries as country}
      <option value={country.value}>{}</option>

  <label for="technologies">Technologies:</label>
    {#each technologies as technology}
      <option value={technology.value}>{}</option>

  <button type="submit">Submit</button>

So far so good. The form is rendering as expected and I can select multiple technologies from the multi-select dropdown (holding Ctrl and clicking the item).

You’ve probably noticed the form action ?/using_object_from_entries this is action is NOT THE RIGHT WAY to handle the form data.

Onto that now!

What I was doing

Using a form action is SvelteKit is essentially a server endpoint that handles the form submission in a +page.server.ts file. Basic outline is something like this:

import type { Action, Actions } from './$types'

const using_object_from_entries: Action = async ({ request }) => {
  const form_data = Object.fromEntries(await request.formData())


export const actions: Actions = { using_object_from_entries }

I’m using a named action here as I want to add in the correct way to handle the form data. I’ll get to that in a bit.

So, the form is essentially filled out apart from the technologies, I’ll select HTML, CSS and JavaScript, when I submit the form, I get the following output in the console:

{ name: 'Scott', country: 'gb', technologies: 'js' }

This is not what I was expecting. I was expecting an array of technologies, not just the last selected one.

What I should have been doing

Ok, now to expand on the actions in the +page.server.ts file.

import type { Action, Actions } from './$types'

const using_get_all: Action = async event => {
  const form_data = await event.request.formData()

  const name = form_data.get('name') as string
  const country = form_data.get('country') as string
  const technologies = form_data.getAll('technologies') as string[]

  console.log(name, country, technologies)

const using_object_from_entries: Action = async ({ request }) => {
  const form_data = Object.fromEntries(await request.formData())


export const actions: Actions = {

Then over in the form, I’ll change the form action to ?/using_get_all and submit the form again selecting the same things from the multi-select dropdown.

The output in the console is now as expected, an array of selected technologies:

Scott gb [ 'html', 'css', 'js' ]

If I dig into the code for the using_get_all action, here:

const using_get_all: Action = async event => {
  const form_data = await event.request.formData()

  const name = form_data.get('name') as string
  const country = form_data.get('country') as string
  const technologies = form_data.getAll('technologies') as string[]

  console.log(name, country, technologies)

I’m now creating a variable for each form field and using the get method to get the name value of the field on the form. For the multi-select dropdown, I’m using the getAll method to get an array of all the selected values.

This post from Dana Woodman was my aha! moment:

Thanks Dana!


When using Object.fromEntries(await request.formData()); to convert form data into an object, it does not automatically aggregate multiple selections from a multi-select dropdown into an array.

This is fine for single-select fields, but for multi-select fields, it only returns the last selected option as a string.

This is because Object.fromEntries(await request.formData()); iterates over each key-value pair in the form data, and for multi-select fields, each selected option is treated as a separate entry.

Therefore, when you convert this into an object using Object.fromEntries, it overwrites the previous value for the same key, resulting in only the last selected option being represented in the object.

On the other hand, using formData.getAll('selected_technologies') directly returns an array of all selected options for the specified field because getAll is designed to return all values associated with a given key from the form data.

This method is specifically useful for handling multiple selections in a multi-select dropdown, as it aggregates all selected values into an array, which is exactly what you need for handling such data on the server side.

In summary, Object.fromEntries(formData) does not aggregate multiple selections into an array because it treats each entry independently, whereas formData.getAll('key') is designed to return all values for a given key, making it suitable for multi-select fields.


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