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Scott Spence

Instagram Image Filters with Tailwind CSS and SvelteKit

4 min read
Hey! Thanks for stopping by! Just a word of warning, this post is over 1 year old, . If there's technical information in here it's more than likely out of date.

Real quick! This was a dumb idea I had when I created the repo for this in 2018 and never got around to doing anything with until yesterday! 😂

Tl;Dr: It’s a list of CSS filters that you can apply to an image to see what effect they have.

I got the idea from this repo, which in turn got the idea from Una Kravets.

Essentially, it applies the CSS filter class to the image using one of the filters from the list, like this:

<figure class="filter-1977">
    alt="random picsum asset"

Rather than list out all the filters, individually I thought I’d add them to a select element and use Svelte’s data binding to apply the filter to the image.

The process

So to get the filters list into the project, I created a new project with pnpm create svelte then created a instagram.css file in the src directory and copied the list into it.

Then I can import the CSS file into the src/routes/+page.svelte file and use the CSS filter class names in a figure element.

  import '../instagram.css'

<figure class="filter-1977">
    alt="random picsum asset"

Cool! But I want to be able to select the filter from a list. So I create a filters.svelte, select component and add the filters to the option element using the Svelte {each} loop.

  let filtersList = ['looooong', 'list', 'of', 'filters']

  {#each filtersList as filter}
    <option value={filter}>

Cool, so, now I have a list of filters, I’ll idd that into my +page.svelte and I can choose the filters. Sweet!

<script lang="ts">
  import Filters from '$lib/components/filters.svelte'
  import '../instagram.css'

<figure class="filter-1977">
    alt="random picsum asset"

<Filters />

Aight, now, I need to apply the filter from the select onto the image, right?

So, I need to ge the value of the select and apply it to the figure, how do I get the value of the select over to the +page.svelte?

By using data binding!

Bind the select value to a variable

I did a post about Data Binding in Svelte a while back if you want to get a full understanding of what’s going on here.

What I need to do is create a variable in the filters.svelte file to bind the value of the select to.

So, essentially export let value = '' is the value being passed into the component.

  let filtersList = ['looooong', 'list', 'of', 'filters']
  export let value = ''

<select bind:value>
  {#each filtersList as filter}
    <option value={filter}>

In the +page.svelte file, I can create an optionValue variable and bind that to the Filters component.

When the value changes on the page, that value is passed to the Filters component.

I can then apply the optionValue to the figure element class using some backticks to apply the class.

<script lang="ts">
  import Filters from '$lib/components/filters.svelte'
  import '../instagram.css'
  let optionValue = ''

<figure class={`filter-${optionValue}`}>
  <img src="" alt="" />

<Filters bind:value={optionValue} />

That’s it! Now, when I select a filter from the list, it will apply to the figure element.

Expanding on the above

There’s a little more expansion that could be done here using some Svelte features.

Say I do actually want to list out all the filters, I can use the Svelte {#each} loop to create a list of figure elements and apply some CSS styles to it.

Underneath where the Filters component is imported, I’ll create div which I’ll apply some CSS grid styles to and loop through all the filters.

As the filters array is used in more than one place now it makes sense to abstract that out into its own file and import it where it’s needed.

<div class="figure-group">
  {#each filtersList as item}
    <figure class={`styled-figure filter-${item}`}>
        alt="random picsum asset"

  .styled-figure {
    height: 100%;
  .figure-group {
    margin: 0 auto;
    display: grid;
    gap: 0.5rem;

  @media (min-width: 1000px) {
    .figure-group {
      grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr);
  @media (min-width: 1450px) {
    .figure-group {
      grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);

I’ve add in some media queries in the style tags there to make the grid responsive as well.

If you’re interested you can check out the code over on GitHub.

Thanks for reading!

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