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Scott Spence

SvelteKit Crash Course

3 min read

This is a private post 🤫

This means it's probably incomplete and not intended for public consumption.

Hey! Thanks for stopping by! Just a word of warning, this post is over 2 years old, . If there's technical information in here it's more than likely out of date.

Okedokey! In this crash course I’ll be detailing loads of SvelteKit features and how you can use them in a project.

If you prefer to see this in a video you can Tl;Dr to the video section.

What I’m going to Build

Ok so let’s take a look at what I’m going to build!

A Pokedex!

No, a blog!

A blog is up there with making project with a Pokedex but with the blog you can add to it over time if you’re going to use it for your own blog.

This doesn’t have to be a blog however! What I’ll be detailing here can be applied for any project that will be getting data from a GraphQL API!

There are a few prerequisites you’ll need if you’re following along. These are:

  • Node v14+
  • Terminal
  • VS Code or a text editor of your choosing
  • GitHub/GitLab account

Or Gitpod ot GitHub code spaces.

What is Svelte and SvelteKit

SvelteKit is a frontend framework much like Vue and React but unlike Vue and React SvelteKit it has no virtual DOM and instead compiles down to HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

SvelteKit will soon be the one stop shop for anything being build with Svelte as it will support Server Side Rendering, Client Side Rendering and static site generation.

You can think of SvelteKit much in the same as NextJS which will become clear once we get into the routing side of things with SvelteKit.

Ok, let’s set up the project!

GraphCMS init

I’ll be using a GraphCMS starter for the backend data, I’m going to log in and select the Blog starter template.

I’ll give the project a really serious name, Sparkles Blog!

Now that’s finished we can take a quick look around the GraphCMS project.

SvelteKit init

Ok, so I’m going to create the project with npm init, Svelte @next, the @next is because SvelteKit is still in public beta.

I’m using the following terminal command:

npm init svelte@next sparkles-blog

sparkles-blog is the name of the folder the CLI will create the project in.

cd sparkles-blog
# install dependencies
npm i

Init a git repo for when I want to publish it to the web using Vercel and also so I can highlight changes as they happen:

git init

I’be styling this as I go along with Tailwind and DaisyUI, I’ll setup Tailwind first using Svelte Add to configure Tailwind in the SvelteKit project!

npx svelte-add@latest tailwindcss

Svelte Add for Tailwind has Just In Time mode enables by default, you can check out more about that over on the Tailwind website.

Tour of the project

First up let’s take a look at the package.json and change the project name!

SvelteKit uses the Vite build tool, insanely fast! This was the main reason I switched my own site over to SvelteKit from Gatsby when I saw how quickly this updated.

Let’s talk about Vite environment variables quickly:

Because I’ll be using environment variables in the endpoints this shouldn’t be an issue but to avoid any confusion and possible exposure of sensitive API keys I think it’s best to go with a solution like env-cmd:

Add additional packages for use in the endpoints I’ll be creating to query data from a GraphQL API! Also adding in DaisyUI for rapid creating of components.

npm i -D graphql-request graphql env-cmd daisyui @tailwindcss/typography

I’ll add the DaisyUI plugin to the Tailwind config along file along with the Tailwind typography plugin:

plugins: [

Then I’ll also need to configure env-cmd to add the environment variables for use in the dev server.

Complete video

Setup GraphQL client

Setup API Endpoints


Svelte Layout File

(SSR) Pages for each post

Svelte Animations

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